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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - glow


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Перевод с английского языка glow на русский

1. сильный жар; накал a glow of heat —- нестерпимый жар summer's scorching glow —- палящий летний зной to be (all) in (of) a glow —- пылать, ощущать жар 2. тепло, ощущение тепла a pleasant glow after a bath —- приятное ощущение теплоты после ванны 3. свет; отблеск, зарево (отдаленного пожара, заката) the glow of dying embers —- отсвет догорающих угольков the glow of the sky at sunset —- огненно-красное небо при закате 4. румянец the glow of health —- здоровый румянец 5. яркость красок 6. взволнованность, горячность; пыл, жар, рвение in a glow of enthusiasm —- в пылу энтузиазма a glow of happiness —- сияние счастья to set in a glow —- накалять; разгорячать; возбуждать 7. ам. разг. легкое опьянение she has a glow on —- у нее закружилась голова от выпитого 8. эл. свечение, накал glow discharge —- эл. тлеющий разряд 9. накаляться докрасна или добела 10. светиться; сверкать; бросать яркий свет; блистать stars glowing in the sky —- звезды, ярко сверкающие на небе red tulips glowed in the park —- в парке пламенели красные тюльпаны some clocks glow in the dark —- некоторые часы светятся в темноте 11. гореть, сверкать (о глазах) his eyes glowed with indignation —- его глаза горели негодованием 12. излучать he is glowing with health —- он пышет здоровьем 13. ощущать приятную теплоту a walk in the cold makes your body glow —- прогулка по морозу заставляет тело (кожу) гореть (вызывает ощущение тепла) 14. сиять, оживляться 15. рдеть, пылать (о щеках) her cheeks glowed as she danced —- когда она танцевала, щеки ее горели 16. сгорать, пылать (от страсти, любви, ненависти и т. п.) to glow with enthusiasm —- гореть (пылать) энтузиазмом he was glowing with admiration —- он испытывал чувство глубокого восхищения 17. тлеть
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) сильный жар, накал summers scorching glow - палящий летний зной to be all of a glow, to be in a glow - пылать, ощущать жар  2) свет, отблеск, зарево (отдаленного пожара, заката)  3) яркость красок  4) румянец  5) пыл; оживленность, горячность  6) свечение  2. v.  1) накаляться докрасна; добела  2) светиться; сверкать (with) The whole horizon glowed with the light of the great fire.  3) тлеть  4) гореть, сверкать (о глазах)  5) сиять (от радости) (with) Mary glowed with pride when Jim received his prize.  6) рдеть, пылать (о щеках)  7) чувствовать приятную теплоту (в теле) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) машиностр. алеть 2) заря 3) калоризаторный 4) накал 5) накаливаться 6) светиться 7) свечение 8) сияние 9) тлеющий glow discharge indicator — лампа тлеющего разряда glow discharge tube — лампа тлеющего разряда glow stabilizer tube — стабилизатор тлеющего разряда - Alpine glow - anode glow - cathode glow - coronal glow - discharge glow - glow VR tube - glow discharge - glow lamp - glow plug - glow thyratron - glow transfer - negative glow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  накал, свечение – anode glow – cathode glow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  v. & n. --v.intr. 1 a throw out light and heat without flame; be incandescent. b shine like something heated in this way. 2 (of the cheeks) redden, esp. from cold or exercise. 3 (often foll. by with) a (of the body) be heated, esp. from exertion; sweat. b express or experience strong emotion (glowed with pride; glowing with indignation). 4 showing a warm colour (the painting glows with warmth). 5 (as glowing adj.) expressing pride or satisfaction (a glowing report). --n. 1 a glowing state. 2 a bright warm colour, esp. the red of cheeks. 3 ardour; passion. 4 a feeling induced by good health, exercise, etc.; well-being. Phrases and idioms glow discharge a luminous sparkless electrical discharge from a pointed conductor in a gas at low pressure. glow-worm any beetle of the genus Lampyris whose wingless female emits light from the end of the abdomen. in a glow colloq. hot or flushed; sweating. Derivatives glowingly adv. Etymology: OE glowan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English glowan; akin to Old English geolu yellow — more at yellow  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to shine with or as if with an intense heat embers ~ing in the darkness  b.  (1) to have a rich warm typically ruddy color cheeks ~ing with health  (2) flush, blush the children ~ed with excitement  2.  a. to experience a sensation of or as if of heat ~ing with rage  b. to show exuberance or elation ~ with pride  • ~ingly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1600  1. brightness or warmth of color; especially redness  2.  a. warmth of feeling or emotion  b. a sensation of warmth the drug produces a sustained ~  3.  a. the state of ~ing with heat and light  b. light such as is emitted by a solid body heated to luminosity ; incandescence ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (glows, glowing, glowed) 1. A glow is a dull, steady light, for example the light produced by a fire when there are no flames. ...the cigarette’s red glow... The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. A glow is a pink colour on a person’s face, usually because they are healthy or have been exercising. The moisturiser gave my face a healthy glow that lasted all day. N-SING: usu a N 3. If you feel a glow of satisfaction or achievement, you have a strong feeling of pleasure because of something that you have done or that has happened. Exercise will give you a glow of satisfaction at having achieved something... He felt a glow of pride in what she had accomplished. N-SING: oft N of n 4. If something glows, it produces a dull, steady light. The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness... Even the mantel above the fire glowed white. VERB: V, V adj 5. If a place glows with a colour or a quality, it is bright, attractive, and colourful. Used together these colours will make your interiors glow with warmth and vitality. ...carved wood bathed in glowing colors and gold leaf. VERB: V with n, V-ing, also V 6. If something glows, it looks bright because it is reflecting light. The instruments glowed in the bright orange light... The fall foliage glowed red and yellow in the morning sunlight. VERB: V, V adj 7. If someone’s skin glows, it looks pink because they are healthy or excited, or have been doing physical exercise. Her freckled skin glowed with health again. ...a glowing complexion. VERB: V with n, V-ing, also V 8. If someone glows with an emotion such as pride or pleasure, the expression on their face shows how they feel. The expectant mothers that Amy had encountered positively glowed with pride. VERB: V with n 9. see also glowing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  hum. gen. abbr. Genes Lifestyle Omniverousness And Water NASA abbr. Goddard Lidar Observatory For Wind softw. abbr. God Loves Our Worship network. abbr. Graduate Learning On The Web sport abbr. Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling religion abbr. Girls Leading Our Worl NASDAQ abbr. Global Games Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. glowan "to shine as if red-hot," from P.Gmc. base *glo-, from PIE *ghlo-. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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